Recently there was a report leaked from China about the CCP´s new global strategy to crush the spiritual community of Falun Gong and the projects run by Falun Gong practitioners. The document discloses that the CCP will use a hybrid war of propaganda, court processes and insider spies mixed into Falun Gong to try to crush Falun Gong, its media operations and Shen Yun Performing Arts.
The CCP is afraid that Donald Trump will continue his support of Falun Gong and therefore the CCP will use their planted agents in the US to approach his key members of his team and convince them to turn against Falun Gong.
The New York Times has been publishing, true to its history of being a pro CCP media outlet, several negative reports about Shen Yun Performing Arts trying to claim that their dance troupes use “child labor” since many dancers are underage. The tactics has been to recruit some retired performers to say something negative about Shen Yun and then start a court process in order to try to stop Shen Yun from continuing its operations by legal means.
In addition the report discloses that the spies within Falun Gong will try to cause conflicts and ‘divide and conquer’ practitioners of Falun Gong in a Machiavellian style scheme. The ultimate goal is to make Falun Gong practitioners stop their practice.
Furthermore they will try to ‘recruit” a few key individuals at ‘high positions’ inside Falun Gong in order to discredit Falun Gong.
In this report we get a taste of when CCP people try to dominate people´s free faith in higher powers by all means – legal and illegal. The mistake that the CCP always does is to be overly aggressive and extreme in its methods, trying to influence governments all across the world. Unfortunately many of the western MSM (Main Stream Media) outlets have clearly allied themselves with the CCP which can´t be a good thing in the future.

Shen Yun is trying to spread the story about a bright future with the promise of a spiritual renewal never seen before. The atheism and materialism has reached a bottom point causing complete chaos and misery with bad people trying to enslave the world´s people under the guise of various empty material promises. This is disturbing the CCP so much that they will try anything to stop them. Therefore, all good people are encouraged to help out by rendering their support to Shen Yun!