Hitler and the Swastika´s Magic (part 1 from Decode the World)

Occult forces turn people against that which can save them

Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.

-often attributed to Confucius, but probably not his original words

The original of this article can be found at: http://decodetheworld.substack.com

The swastika, also called srivatsa (India) or wan symbol (China), is a powerful sigil known around the world in many cultures and religions. Historically, it was considered a sign of good fortune: it was used in Buddhism, it was found in Greek and Mexican architectural designs, on Hopi blankets, Syrian and Chinese pottery and even on state highway signs in the USA. Symbols like this originally came from sages who could see the true nature of the world. Our modern science has seen evidence of its appearance in nature and people with abilities could see them in those and other forms. This is where the symbol of swastika came from — sages — they could see it and committed it to writing to share their enlightenment with others.

Most people only know the swastika from Hitler and the Nazis — it has been drilled into everyone’s mind in schools, historical museums, movies (where the Nazis are always the villains) and media. How did Hitler come to use this symbol and what forces besides Hitler caused people to change their minds about the swastika even after WWII was long over? Why does the swastika seem to have magical power? The swastika never changed, it was the perception of the swastika that was changed.

The Nazis had an incredible sense of design and a deep understanding of iconography and branding, which is one reason why these symbols still have power over people today. These symbols have been reappropriated yet again for a new purpose. This powerful sigil was used to cast a spell and project black, negative energy over people, controlling them, even in large venues like stadiums where massive rituals were performed. Similar techniques are used in modern mass media and by governments today.

Why it this such a charged topic? Many people, especially those who are Jewish, lost family members and friends to the evil Nazis and Hitler’s banner is still remembered, even though it has been almost 80 years since this horror. What happened was truly tragic and hopefully, it will never happen again. However, what one group did in history didn’t change the actual meaning of this symbol. The swastika is still the swastika. Your mind has been programmed to think a certain way, your reality has been altered by propaganda, which eliminates critical thinking and destroys Truth.

The True History of the Swastika

The swastika is all around us in nature.

The M51 “Whirlpool” galaxy looks like a swastika. Could ancients without a telescope, but with abilities, have seen patterns occurring in nature that inspired the swastika symbol? (European Space Agency)

Cyclone Biparjoy over India. Did the ancients have abilities to know what galaxies or cyclones look like without telescopes or satellites?

Science discovered natural phenomena that create a twisting and whirling ring with spiral arms.

The BBC says the swastika was a good sign:

In the Western world the swastika is synonymous with fascism, but it goes back thousands of years and has been used as a symbol of good fortune in almost every culture in the world. As more evidence emerges of its long pre-Nazi history in Europe, can this ancient sign ever shake off its evil associations?

In the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit, swastika means “well-being”. The symbol has been used by Hindus, Buddhists and Jains for millennia and is commonly assumed to be an Indian sign.

The Elephant Gate (entrance) at Carlsberg Brewery, Copenhagen. The swastika was used in marketing by leading companies prior to WWII. Architect: Vilhelm Dahlerup, 1901. Credit: malouette from Frederiksberg / Copenhagen, Denmark – Elefantporten, Ny Carlsberg

The swastika was known by many ancient civilizations. Note the tilted swastika inside the hexagram, upper left.

The swastika was used on road signs in Arizona, USA and can be found on Native American blanket designs.

In an interview on Colorado Public Radio:

Eskeets said the whirling log represents humanity and life and is still used for healing in hundreds of Navajo ceremonies.

“It kind of has everything on it,” he said. “It represents the constellation, the moon, the sun, the equinox. It’s down to the earth, the four directions, the rotation of mother earth, all of that … it’s the rotation of life.”

“That symbol is not just our symbol. It’s a universal symbol,” Eskeets said.

A vintage Navajo Crystal style floor rug with swastikas, ca. 1920, 72 x 49″. The Navajo referred to the swastika as a whirling log. Image Source

Buddhists believe it signifies the attainment of Buddha level, which is why you see this symbol used on Buddha image sculptures and in temples (from Master Li Hongzhi, Zhuan Falun Lecture 5):

Then what does this symbolize in our Buddha School? Some people say that it stands for good fortune, which is an interpretation of everyday people. Let me tell you that signifies a Buddha’s level, and only those who have reached the level of Buddha can have it. A Bodhisattva or an Arhat does not have it. But senior Bodhisattvas, such as the Four Senior Bodhisattvas, have it. We have found that these Senior Bodhisattvas have far surpassed the level of ordinary Buddhas, and they are even higher than a Tathagata. Beyond the level of Tathagata, there are too many Buddhas to count. A Tathagata has only one symbol. Those who have reached beyond the level of Tathagata will have more symbols. A Buddha whose level is twice as high as a Tathagata has two symbols. For those who are still higher, they have three, four, five, and so on. Some have so many that they are all over their bodies, including on their heads, shoulders, and knees. When there is not enough space for them they will even appear on their palms, fingers, soles of their feet, toes, and so on. As one’s level continually increases, one will have more and more symbols. Therefore, the symbol represents a Buddha’s status. The higher a Buddha’s status, the more symbols a Buddha has.

Here is an example from Lantau Island, Hong Kong:

The giant Buddha at Po Lin monastery on Lantau Island, Hong Kong. The swastika signifies attainment status and enlightenment, in this case at the Tathagata level.

The significance of the swastika (Chinese: wan symbol) is one of the most important symbols for the world because it can help elevate and save people.

The “ swastika” character has long surpassed the meaning carried by any religion, and has the meaning of universal salvation.

The wan symbol is also used today as part of a Falun or Law Wheel, an emblem of Falun Dafa, a meditation practice that became public in China in 1992 and spread through out the world.

This emblem is a Law Wheel, rotating clockwise, then counter-clockwise to collect and emit energy. It purifies and strengthens fields and beings.

From Zhuan Falun by Master Li Hongzhi, Lecture 5:

This Falun emblem is the miniature of the universe. It also has its own form of existence and process of evolution in all other dimensions, so I call it a world.

Because Falun Dafa follows Truth, Compassion and Tolerance, it complies with the characteristic of the cosmos and is a righteous practice. The Falun emblem includes both the wan symbol from the Buddha school and the Taiji, from the Tao school, as well as elements from the Qimen school. Because it includes all of these things, it forms a complete system.

At a Falun Gong parade in New York City, I encountered a Jewish gentleman who pointed at the Falun emblem on a float and said “This swastika was used by the Nazis when they killed millions of Jews, it should be banned.” I began talking with him, explaining that Hitler did indeed cause great harm to many people and I could understand why he felt this way. Then, my now 86 year old Holocaust survivor friend standing next to me said “I lost seven close family members in Ukraine at the hands of the Nazis and had a similar thought when I first saw this symbol with Falun Gong. This isn’t Hitler’s thing it’s something different, it’s an ancient symbol of good that Hitler stole. This is a Falun or Law Wheel and it’s righteous”. Because she spoke with wisdom and compassion, suddenly, he understood.

Here is an ancient settlement ruin in the Golan Heights built by practitioners of Judaism. What’s interesting is this stone lintel (a horizontal structural element that spans openings such as portals and doors) which has both a menorah AND and swastika next to each other!

A lintel from ancient Jewish settlement Um El Kanatir in the Golan heights. The sacred Jewish Menorah symbol and Swastika in the same lintel. Both symbols were historically highly regarded. LINK

Hitler Plagiarized the Swastika, Using it for the Occult

Why do people have these mistaken beliefs about the swastika? Hitler plagiarized the swastika for his Nazi banner and demonized it in the eyes of the world through his actions, destroying much of Europe and killing millions. Then, the “swastika+Hitler+Holocaust = evil” message was replayed for decades since the 1960’s through the educational system, popular culture and movies and the mainstream media, forever associating the swastika with Hitler. Hitler chose the swastika because he wanted its supernormal powers for his Third Reich, so it could dominate the world. He stole it and it never really belonged to him. Associating the swastika only with Hitler and the Holocaust is also a form of appropriation, as it leaves out the good things represented by this powerful symbol and defames by omission.

The symbol of theosophy incorporated the “Om” symbol, the swastika, hexagram and snake eating it’s own tail (Ouroborus).

There is an occult (hidden) side of Nazism that was created from the theosophy and ariosophy of Guido von List and von Liebenfels, which attracted Hitler with visions of mystical powers:

The ideas of Von List and Lanz von Liebenfels were part of a general occult revival that occurred in Austria and Germany during the late 19th and early 20th centuries; a revival that was loosely inspired by historical Germanic paganismholistic philosophy, and Christianity, as well as by esoteric concepts that were influenced by German romanticism and Theosophy. The connection between this form of Germanic mysticism and historical Germanic culture is evident in the mystics’ fascination with runes, in the form of Guido von List’s Armanen runes.

Hitler wanted these hidden and dark powers of sorcery to give his empire unmatchable powers. He also wanted to tie his regime to a story of racial purity and ancient history to make the Third Reich the next Roman empire, a natural successor for a world order under a theocracy. Theocracy means the rulers want to be worshipped as Living Gods — this is what was promised to the top level Nazis. Where can we find people like this today…George Soros was quoted in the Los Angeles Times?

It seems that Soros believes he was anointed by God. “I fancied myself as some kind of god …” he once wrote. “If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble.”

When asked by Britain’s Independent newspaper to elaborate on that passage, Soros said, “It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.”

This was the mentality the Nazis had — after all, Soros helped the Nazis persecute Jews in Hungary.

Hitler found what he was looking for in List’s research of runes, ancient Germanic letters ancient petroglyphs and through expeditions to Tibet to acquire artifacts that would support his world view. List became an authority on runes and he created the racial history mythology later used by German nationalists and the Nazis.

List’s mythology became the bedrock upon which the German nationalist movement would begin to build its case for a union between German-speaking Austria and the German Reich. The German-speaking population of Austria was encouraged to reclaim their German heritage and identity amidst the multi-national empire of the Habsburgs. List’s magic and folklore-filled journalism was used to support the Pan-German cause throughout the 1890’s.

List began to ponder the origin and secret meaning of runes and language. By 1903, List developed a theory of the origins of the Aryan proto-language and sent his manuscript to the Imperial Academy of Sciences in Vienna. Here List’s ideas began to exhibit a strong Theosophical influence on the origins of the cosmos and the role (and occult meanings) of ancient letters, runes, and glyphs such as the swastika.

The ancient runes, swastika and other occultic (sic) glyphs would now be identified by List as ancient Aryan symbols.

In 1911, List founded a secret inner order of the List Society known as the Hoher Armanen-Orden (HAO) based on Kabbalistic (Note: Kabbalah is Jewish mysticism ) principles. The List Society was a significant influence in the promoting List’s ideas to the radical nationalist secret societies in Germany before 1914, as well as the founding of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party. List’s concept of an occultic national history was also influential to Ariosophists of the 1920’s and 1930’s.

From Occult Origins of Nazism:

The lineage of the early Nazi Party in respect of its sponsors, newspaper, and symbol has been traced to the Thule Society, the Germanenorden, and thus to the ideas of Guido von List.

Although the DAP and the Thule Society diverged in their views on ideology and action, there was a direct line of symbological (sic) succession between the two groups in the form of the swastika. Friedrich Krohn, a -. Thulean and a member of the Germanenorden since 1913, had earned the reputation of a DAP expert as a result of his collection of some 2,500 books on völkisch (ed: populist or nationalist) subjects for the use of party members. In May 1919 Krohn wrote a memorandum with the title ‘1st das Hakenkreuz als Symbol nationalsozialistischer Partei geeignet?’ [‘Is the swastika suitable as the symbol of the National Socialist Party?’l. in , 3. which he proposed the left-handed swastika (i.e. clockwise in common with those of the theosophists and the Germanenorden) as the symbol of the DAP. He evidently preferred the sign in this direction on account of its Buddhistical interpretation as a talisman of fortune and health, whereas its right-handed (i.e. anti-clockwise) counterpart betokened decline and death. (However, since most Listian swastikas and the device of the Thule Society had been right-handed, it is clear that there was no standard usage regarding the direction of the swastika in the völkisch tradition). Hitler actually favored a right-handed, straight-armed swastika and prevailed upon Krohn in DAP committee discussions to revise his design. Krohn was responsible for the color scheme of a black swastika in a white circle on a red background. At the foundation meeting of the local Starnberg group of the NSDAP on 20 May 1920, this swastika, originally proposed by Krohn and modified by Hitler, made its first public appearance as the flag of the new movement. It is therefore possible to trace the origin of the Nazi symbol back through the emblems of the Germanenorden and ultimately to Guido von List.

Hitler himself designed the Nazi flag, as he said in his book Mein Kampf:

I myself, meanwhile, after innumerable attempts, had laid down a final form; a flag with a red background, a white disk, and a black swastika in the middle. After long trials I also found a definite proportion between the size of the flag and the size of the white disk, as well as the shape and thickness of the swastika.

This photo of Hitler from the 1920’s clearly shows the original Nazi swastika banner, before it was tilted 45 degrees.

Part 2: Tibet at the Center of attention of top Nazis. To Be Continued….

Seeking Supernormal Powers from Tibetan Lamas

The Nazis had several expeditions to Tibet, in search of artifacts that could give them supernormal Godlike powers and provide physical evidence to justify their rule. They were obsessed with the magic powers of the Tibetan lamas.
