In recent weeks we have seen Israel being victim of terror attacks from Hamas causing Israel to make large scale attacks on the Palestinian population. At the same time we have a big conflict in Ukraine while the US has left Afghanistan to the mercy of the Talibans. What is all this about? Well, let´s start by taking a look at the Talibans and what happened right after the US military left them. A few weeks after returning to power the Taliban leaders went to China and had a meeting with the CCP. The CCP even made some statements praising the new Taliban regime saying they “had matured” since last time they were in power in Afghanistan. Why would the CCP support the Talibans? Because they are the same kind of people and it´s not the best people.
What is all this about in Israel? People might not have understood it yet but the CCP has one single goal and that is world power at all cost. Puppet regimes and divide and conquer strategies are necessary to achieve their goals and if there are one or two layers of puppets doesn´t matter. In the case of CCP sponsoring Hamas, we need to remember that the CCP uses Iran as the middleman and from Iran the weapons come to Hamas. Beijing hasn´t condemned the Hamas attack on Israel and this is because it serves their larger agenda.
The EET has an excellent article on the shadow affairs of the ever wily CCP: https://www.theepochtimes.com/opinion/the-china-palestine-connection-5509469
Now back to the most obvious link between the CCP and Hamas. On June 14, 2023, President Xi Jinping held talks at the Great Hall of the People with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The two heads of state announced the establishment of a strategic partnership between China and Palestine. Do we need to say more? Again we can see that the CCP is playing games behind the scenes.
When people finally realise the truth that their main enemy isn´t Russia or the United States but the CCP, that´s when the world will change rapidly.