We republish this story from 7 months ago to let everyone read more about what is happening in the sky and elsewhere. The final icing of the cake is that we are quickly approaching the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution. Marxism has been commonly regarded as the ideology of the devil against mankind and we speculate that the devil only got 100 years to subvert the planet with his own ideology and now the time is almost up.
We have earlier talked about all the ominous signs for 2017 as the Year Of The First Resurrection including the prophecies of Buddhism, Judaism, Ragno Nero and Nostradamus. In the article “2017 Is A Cataclysmic Year According To Buddha And Others” you will find plenty of information regarding the above mentioned prophecies.
We summarize the prophecies and signs for 2017 very briefly:
- 2017 is the year of the beginning of the “Golden Age” in Buddhism because its exactly 2500 years after Buddha passed away.
- Ragno Nero predicted that in 2017 the “Beast From The East” will die because of all the evil things he did against Falun Gong starting in 1999 when the Chinese Communist Party launched their mass persecution of 100 million good people in China.
- Rabbi Ben Judah predicted that 2017 is the end of the beginning phase of the Messianic Era.
- In October 2016 Jesus tomb was opened in Jerusalem. Nostradamus prophecy in Quatrains 6:66 states that the following year in 2017 the new sect(Falun Gong) will show itself and great events will take place.
- In December 2016 the blood of St Januarius didn´t liquefy in Naples Cathedral, only the third time in 600 years. This signifies great danger in 2017.
For more complete information about the first resurrection please read this article. Ragno Neros complete prophecy for 2017 and other years can be found here.
Stars And Planets Are Aligned in Sep 2017 – Once In 7000 Years
2017, Sep 21-23rd Seems To Indicate Historic Events
Everyone knows the importance of stars and planets when it comes to prophecies.
Nostradamus stated in 1557:
God’s mysteries are incomprehensible and the power to influence events is bound up with the great expanse of natural knowledge, having its nearest most immediate origin in free will and describing future events which cannot be understood simply through being revealed… But bringing about such an indivisible eternity through Herculean efforts (2), things are revealed by the planetary movements.
If we are to believe Nostradamus the first resurrection can be found in the planetary alignment and that´s why 2017 is such an exciting year.
September 2017 is the moment when the stars and planets will align in a spectacular way – and in line with the Book Of Revelation, chapter 12. Also this coincides with the “Feast of Trumpets” in Israel starting on Sep 22nd.
Let´s start with the Book Of Revelation, verse 12:1.
“A great sign appeared in heaven:
a woman clothed with the sun,
with the moon under her feet
and a crown of twelve stars on her head.
She was pregnant and cried out in pain
as she was about to give birth.”
This Video Will Explain Many Details About Sep 22 2017
We know that a woman(Virgo) will give birth to a sacred child when special conditions are fulfilled among the planets and stars. What we are looking for is the Virgo star sign and she should have twelve stars on her head, with sun and moon properly placed around her. This is not a simple thing to investigate but luckily some persistent people have done it and came up with the following conclusions for September 2017:
- All the signs in the sky are more or less correct on September 23rd 2017. Virgo, the twelve stars, the moon and the sun together with the sign of Leo crowning Virgo match the Book Of Revelation extremely well. This is quite extraordinary and does not seem to take place more than once in 7000 years.
- St John´s conception has been celebrated on 23rd of September since ancient times. The very same John which is said to come back as Elijah in the Bible and who wrote the Book Of Revelation.
- September 23 is the zodiac sign of Libra, containing the important name of “Li” as we know from many other end time prophecies. Libra also signifies justice which seems appropriate for this event.
- 23 of Sep is a Saturday which matches the prophecies regarding Saturn being the planet of culmination of matter, earth, harvesting life, taking a bath, limits of time etc. Saturn symbolizes the changing of an old regime (death) to a new one (rebirth), and this ties in with Saturn’s symbolism. In China it means regulation of rulership by the emperor.
- Feast of Trumpets start on Sep. 21 in Israel and marks the New Year Celebration.
Shabbat Shuvah (“Sabbath [of] Return”) refers to the Shabbat that occurs during the Ten Days of Repentance between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Only one Shabbat can occur between these dates. This Shabbat is named after the first word of the Haftarah (Hosea 14:2-10) and literally means “Return!” Shabbat Shuva begins at sundown on Fri, 22 September 2017. Does this date signify the return of Gods to Earth?
September 2017 – The Gods Finally Return To Earth?
“Council Of Gods” – Raphael 1517-18
Now we have added another crucial sign to all the previous indications for 2017 being the first year since thousands of years that Gods will show themselves again to human beings. Rest assured that some people will rejoice more than ever while some others will regret more than ever when these things finally take place. Since you are reading about these matters they won´t come as a surprise to you. The important thing to remember is to be a good person and guard your spiritual faith. The pressure is great for all people now. Let´s hope that everyone can do better and better at the last moment.